Our GlyphReader
engine needs to be loaded by Reflection if being used in a Web App / Web Service
/ WCF service.
You need to prep
for this by creating an OcrResources folder in your application /bin/ folder and
placing the GlyphReader OCR resources in it. You will also need to go in to your
project references and set the Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.GlyphReader.dll Copy Local
property to false. Copy the Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.GlyphReader.dll in to the
OcrResources folder as well. That will keep the web project from trying to load
it when the application starts.
Use this simple
method to handle the loading (make sure you set your paths)
/// The
GlyphReader Engine needs to be loaded by reflection in a web application...
private OcrEngine CreateGlyphreaderEngine()
string ocrPath = Page.MapPath("OcrResources");
GlyphReaderLoader loader = new GlyphReaderLoader(ocrPath);
string dllPath = ocrPath + "/Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.Glyphreader.dll";
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(dllPath);
Type obj = asm.GetType("Atalasoft.Ocr.GlyphReader.GlyphReaderEngine");
ConstructorInfo ci =
obj.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
OcrEngine engine =
ci.Invoke(null) as OcrEngine;
return engine;
return null;
Original Article:
Q10423 - HOWTO: Load GlyphReaderEngine by Reflection