
Atalasoft Knowledge Base

INFO: 11.3 Full Release Notes


This is a full list of itemized release notes for through (all 5 releases ..initial release and fixpacks).

For other versions, please visit our Release notes home page:

INFO: DotImage Release Notes

PLEASE NOTE: a site redesign in 2015 lost all previous release notes... the best we can offer for earlier are notes in our Legacy Downloads page:
FAQ: Where Can I Find Legacy Downloads (Older DotImage Versions)

If you are just looking for a quick "what is new that I need to pay attention to", please see:
INFO: Changes Introduced in DotImage 11.3

This is a summation of each fix by release / fixpack in one place for easy searching. You can use CTRL+F to search for a specific phrase or word.. or just browse them in order from most recent to earliest.


May 02 2022

Problems Resolved in this Fix Pack

  • 1799974: Using the WDV default save to save office documents to pdf format resulted in an exception: System.NullReferenceException.
  • 1799497: WDV file upload feature was enabled by default incorrectly.
  • 1795318: CSS for atalaWebDocumentViewer.css contained an overly broad entry that broke customer functionality elsewhere.
  • 1794819: PdfDocument was throwing Dictionary related exceptions when saving pdfs with extreme numbers of pages.
  • 1792497: Certain CCITT compressed PDF Pages were rendered blank by PdfDecoder.


March 18, 2022

Problems Resolved in this Fix Pack

  • 1782001: Timing/Race condition caused the page buffer to request far too many pages.
  • 1779177: Private Network Access changes in Chrome disables scanning capability of Web Capture Service for Windows and macOS.
  • 1776255: Using GifDecoder in a web application could result in errors and a mixing of files.
  • 1774483: SystemArgumentException {"Error in tiff codec: Horizontal prediction resolution not supported for this bitdepth"} occurred in TiffDecoder if TIFF image contained TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR tag.
  • 1768315: RenderSettings were incorrectly applied to PdfDecoder for widget annotations in some cases.
  • 1762206: Text Annotation Editor appeared incorrectly "caching" value if an annotation text was updated programmatically.


January 27, 2022

Problems Resolved in this Fix Pack

  • 1751102 - [WDV] Some PDF and Office documents had characters that were extracting correctly from the document but that the JSON parser was throwing error
  • 1717233 - Activation Wizard error messages were not informative in some cases
  • 1716417 - [PdfImageSource] PDF image rotation was not correctly honored on extraction


November 29, 2021

Problems Resolved in this Fix Pack

  • Several stability and security problems have been fixed.

Known Issues

The following are current known issues which do not have a fix as of this time

  • 1621594: No translation to XPS format after ParallelProcessing switching
  • 1330253: Swiss QR codes not read if Symbology is set to All
  • 1287182: Aztec codes not read
  • 1213959: Drag and drop inconsistent with 2 horizontal thumbnailers
  • 1212769: Unable to upload file from library on iPhone or iPad on some iOS versions
  • 1209493: Error when attempting to open document containing annotation without appearance
  • 1204503: Method calls wrong callback function
  • 1197977: Document not compliant with PDF/A-2b standard
  • 1121735: Corrupt thumbnails after inserting page into new document
  • 912517: Selection frame becomes detached from annotation after drag and drop
  • 864436: Recognize method may return wrong results
  • 714491: No response from the WCS when using HTTPS
  • 687417: Saving *.CR2 file after rotating results in error
  • 673624: Data overlaid in .ppt file

DotImage - Initial Release

October 28, 2021

About this Release

The release notes give you late-breaking information about Atalasoft DotImage 11.3.0. Please read this document carefully, as it contains information that is not included in other Atalasoft DotImage documentation.

Version Information

The build number for Atalasoft DotImage 11.3.0 is

System Requirements

The primary source of information about Atalasoft DotImage requirements and dependencies on other products is the Technical Specifications document posted on Atalasoft website. We recommend that you review it carefully, especially if you plan to use Atalasoft DotImage 11.3.0 with other Atalasoft products.

New Features

The following features were added to Atalasoft DotImage in version 11.3.0.

PDF 2.0 Support

Atalasoft DotImage now supports the PDF 2.0 standard while still supporting the create, read, and annotate features of PDF 1.x. Additional features include:

  • AES-256 encryption support for password protection
  • ECDSA signature support

PDF Bookmark Support

Atalasoft DotImage supports native PDF bookmarks. This enables PDFs to be displayed in WDV in the same tree structure as native PDF bookmarks, and it allows users to click bookmarks to go to the designated location.

Integrate OmniPage OCR Engine as an Add-on Offering

OmniPage OCR has been added as an add-on offering. ABBYY has reached end-of-life.

Changes in Behavior

The following changes were made in Atalasoft DotImage version 11.3.0.

Deprecated Support

Support for the following was dropped in this version:

  • Client operating systems: Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
  • Server operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 SP1
  • Development IDE: Visual Studio 2010 (.NET 3.5.1 Solutions Only)

Planned Deprecation of ABBYY

Version 11.2.0 is the final release of Atalasoft DotImage containing ABBYY. This feature is replaced with OmniPage in this release. ABBYY is removed from Atalasoft DotImage.

Resolved Issues

This section contains information about issues that have been resolved in Atalasoft DotImage since the prior release of this product.

Scanning Did Not Work in macOS Catalina

1332687: If you attempted to scan on macOS Catalina, nothing happened.

List of Files to Upload Not Refreshed with Safari

1212857: Safari browser: If you clicked Upload and then drag files to the list of files to upload to the Web Document Viewer from the Finder or Photo applications, the files were not added to the list.

Dark Appearance Not Applied to Dialog Boxes on macOS Mojave

1195954: When the Dark Appearance setting was selected in System Preferences on macOS Mojave, the setting was not applied properly to dialog boxes.

Known Issues

This section contains information about potential issues that you may encounter while using Atalasoft DotImage 11.3.0.

No translation to XPS format after ParallelProcessing switching

1621594: Translating to XPS format and then switching the ParallelProcessing option (from false to true or true to false) prevents subsequent XPS translations.

Swiss QR codes not read if Symbology is set to All.

1330253: When Symbology is set to All, Swiss QR codes cannot be read by BarCodeReader.

Aztec codes not read

1287182: Aztec codes are not read when AutoThreshold is true. Aztecs are read when AutoThreshold is false.

Drag and drop inconsistent with 2 horizontal thumbnailers (WebDocumentThumbnailer)

1213959: If a page includes two horizontal thumbnailers, drag and drop works successfully for the top thumbnailer. With the bottom thumbnailer, drag and drop works only after the top item is removed.

  • On a Windows operating system, this issue occurs with Microsoft Edge but not with other browsers.
  • On the macOS, this issue occurs with the Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers. However, the issue does not occur on an iPad or iPhone, or on an Android OS.

Unable to upload file from library on iPhone or iPad on some iOS versions

1212769: If you use the Safari browser on an iPhone or iPad to upload a file to the Web Document Viewer from the library, the file is not uploaded successfully on some iOS versions.

Workaround: To resolve the issue, upgrade to iOS 12.1.

Error when attempting to open document containing annotation without appearance (PdfDocument/PdfGeneratedDocument)

1209493: If you attempt to open and save a document that contains an annotation without appearance, the following error appears:

Atalasoft.PdfDoc.PdfException : Required element N in MLPdfAppearanceDictionary read from file is missing.

Method calls wrong callback function

1204503: The selectPageText method calls the wrong callback function if only the page index is specified.

Workaround: Set null for the second argument:


Document not compliant with PDF/A-2b standard

1197977: On Windows 10, when PdfTranslator is used to create a PDF document, it is not compliant with the PDF/A-2b standard if Verdana is a built-in font. As a result, the width information is inconsistent.

Workaround: Do one of the following to prevent the issue:

  • Using the Atalasoft DotImage API, create a custom FontMapper for the OCR engine and change Verdana to another font such as Arial.
  • Change the built-in font to the version of Verdana provided with Windows 7.

macOS: Installer should not require Administrator rights

1179745: If you do not have Administrator rights, and you attempt to perform the installation for the Atalasoft DotImage Service for macOS, you may be prevented from finishing successfully.

Workaround: To avoid the issue:

  1. From the installer, select Installation Type and click Change Install Location.
  2. On the Select a Destination screen, select Install for me only.
  3. Click Continue to proceed with the installation.

Corrupt thumbnails after inserting page into new document

1121735: After a page is inserted into a new document, thumbnail images become corrupted.

Selection frame becomes detached from annotation after drag and drop

912517: After moving an annotated page from one WDT (WebDocumentThumbnailer) to another, the annotation selection frame becomes decoupled from the annotation itself. As a result, dragging moves only the annotation and leaves the frame behind in its original location.

Workaround: Reloading the page restores the annotation's normal behavior.

Recognize method may return wrong results

864436: When the AbbyyOcrTextRegion region is manually defined, the Recognize method may return the incorrect results. This situation may occur if the text language is not specified for the custom regions, and the engine cannot determine which language to use.

No response from the WCS when using HTTPS

714491: When using Firefox, there is no response from the WCS when using the HTTPS protocol. This issue occurs only for a new user on a computer. The issue occurs because WCS does not copy a certificate to the Firefox repository in this situation.

Saving *.CR2 file after rotating results in error

687417: A "PhotometricInterpretation tag missing error" is displayed when you try to save a *.CR2 file after rotation.

Data overlaid in .ppt file

673624: Currently, slide shapes are rendered as one layer, and text as a second layer. This approach prevents shapes from being rendered on top of text, but it also allows text to overlap.

Additional Documentation

This section supplements the documentation provided with the product with changes and corrections.

OmniPage does not recognize text in rotated regions

When attempting to translate text with rotated and non-rotated regions, only the text in unrotated regions in recognized as text. This has been documented in the OmniPageOcr*TextRegion classes.

GetFrameCount returns incorrect count of images for HEIC files

The GetFrameCount method appears to have returned an incorrect count of images for HEIC files. The reason is that HeifDecoder only counts still images, not the auxiliary burst images.

IsValidFormat method returns false for HEIC files

The IsValidMethod returns false for HEIC files. This is caused by error codes that were not true errors and reported unexpected exceptions.

Text region not rotated in OmniPage

When using OcrTextRotation.Clockwise180 to rotate text regions in OmniPage, the preprocessing result of 180 degrees is used in the final rotation results.

Last Modified: 3 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Tananda
Type: INFO
Rated 2 stars based on 7 votes.
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