INFO: Getting Started with Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) / Forms Processing

Atalasoft has an add-on component called "Forms Recognition" and it's important that we first discuss the definition/meaning of "Forms Recognition" in the context of Atalasoft.

Specifically: Our Forms Recognition components are Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) components.

If you're actually looking for a solution to read filled in form fields, you're actually looking for a "Zonal OCR" solution... There's a demo for that type of recognition (which actually does include OMR as one subset of recognition type) called DocumentRegions available here

Here is a list of our OMR (Forms Processing) demos and proofs of concept.

Keep in mind that none of them are meant as examples of "best practices" or production ready code.

They're meant to give programmers who intend to use our OMR engine a bit of insight into how various components of the OMR process work.

OMR Demo
This is a place to start ... you'll want to download the sample template listed below to get started

OMR Template Tool
This is a rough utility for showing how to generate a template. It's meant as a Proof of concept to show how to build a template programmatically… it is ~not~ meant to be your sole means of generating templates.

OMR Diagnostic Tool
This is NOT feature complete, but lets you examine a template to see where the marks have been defined. You can use it for some template modification, but it's a bit "fiddly". It now has the ability to recognize marks and provides an excellent "stream of consciousness" logging of the OMR Recognition process in its Recognize Marks tool.

Simplified Template with filled out forms
These are not the best form design, but they show the basics of  how templates work

Additional Articles / Resources

Q10320 - INFO: Mark Detection Basics

Q10319 - HOWTO: Create an OmrTemplateDocument

Original Article:
Q10417 - INFO: Getting Started with Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) / Forms Processing