Please note that the issue addressed in this article is fixed in 11.5
You can download a copy of the Activation wizard here...
If, while activating dotImage, you receive an error along thees lines
System.IO.PathTooLongException: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
This can happen if you have the activation wizard in a folder that contains other folders with really deep paths/long names
When we install it's to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atalasoft\DotImage 11.3\
so this isn't usually an issue if/when running
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atalasoft\DotImage 11.3\DotImageActivationWizard.exe
However, if you've downloaded it and your download directory has files with seriously long paths (seems to be common with folks who have unpacked Java apps with deep path trees etc)
The fix is to move the activation wiz to a location with a shorter path and/or put it in a sub folder so it doesn't find/dig deeply down the rabbit hole on you