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December 2008 - Posts

Being Lazy

Here’s a chunk of useless code to demonstrate a nifty feature of the Select extension method: static char LowerCase( char c) { // put a breakpoint here Console.WriteLine(" Lowering " + c); return Char.ToLower(c); } static IEnumerable LowerCaseEnumerator(
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments
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Debugging Fu, Part 2

This is a continuation on Debugging Fu, Part 1 , where I talk about techniques for tracking down the cause of a bug. I've been doing a lot of reflection on how I actually track down particular bugs and in most cases, it comes down to Divide and Conquer
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

TIFF: Where Theory and Practice Collide

This is an article about trivia surrounding the TIFF file format and what happens when widely available applications don’t behave well. TIFF is a container format that is designed to house images compressed by various means as well as metadata surrounding

More Image Processing with C# Lambdas

This is a continuation of the earlier post on image processing with C# lambda expressions . The previous blog describes a simple way to define image processing in terms of lambda expressions, and while efficient, it’s missing the ability to do commands

Image Processing with C# Lambda Expressions

For this blog, I’m going to cover the implementation of how to implement dotImage image processing commands based around C# lambda expressions. To get started, I’m going to come up with a simplified model of image processing. A lambda command is a command