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F# Symposium Session 1

I’ve been running an F# symposium internally at Atalasoft.  Here is the first session’s notes and the “answers”.

1. Define simple polynomial:

type polynomial =

{ A : double; B : double; C : double; }

How do we evaluate some polynomial p at position x?

How do we get the roots of p?


2. Simple recursive functions – define Member a l

a is a member of a l if and only if

a) The l is not empty

b) a is the same as the front of the l or Member a (everything but the front of l) is true

Show trivial in-built Member f’n

Write Rember a l – Rember returns a new list that l’ such that l’ does not contain any instances of a.

3. Tail recursion – Square roots

Newton’s Method:

Make a guess.

For a certain number of iterations:

Refine the guess (is actually a Taylor series expansion IIRC) in this way:


Write with a for-loop/mutability.

Recast it recursively

4. Hermite polynomials – here is the definition of a Hermite polynomial:



Write Hermite recursively

Write Hermite iteratively

Write Hermite iteratively, tail-recursively


module File1   
open System   
type polynomial =
{ A : double; B : double; C : double; }  
let eval p x =
(p.A * x * x) + (p.B * x) + p.C  
let root p =
let discriminant = (p.B * p.B) - (4.0 * p.A * p.C)
if p.A = 0.0 || discriminant < 0.0 then raise(ArgumentOutOfRangeException("p"))
let twoA = 2.0 * p.A
let radical = sqrt(discriminant)
let plusRoot = (-p.B + radical) / twoA
let minusRoot = (-p.B - radical) / twoA
(plusRoot, minusRoot)  
let derivative p =
{ A = 0.0; B = p.A * 2.0; C = p.B }   let derivativeAt p x = eval (derivative p) x  
let rec Member a l =
match l with
| [] -> false
| head :: tail -> if a = head then true else Member a tail   let rec Member1 a l =
List.exists a l  
let rec rember a l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| head :: tail -> if a = head then rember a tail
else head :: rember a tail  
let MutableNewtonSquareRoot S iterations =
let mutable guess = S / 2.0
for i = 0 to (iterations-1) do
guess <- 0.5 * (guess + (S / guess))
guess   let NewtonSquareRoot S iterations =
let rec NewtonWorker guess iterations =
if iterations <= 0 then guess
let newguess = 0.5 * (guess + (S / guess))
NewtonWorker newguess (iterations - 1)
let roughestimate = S / 2.0
NewtonWorker roughestimate iterations  
let rec hermite1 x n = 
match n with
| 0 -> 1.0
| 1 -> 2.0*x
| _ -> (2.0*x*(hermite1 x (n-1))) - ((double (n-1))*(hermite1 x (n-2)))  
let hermite2 x n =
let mutable prev = 0.0
let mutable curr = if n = 1 then 2.0 * x else 0.0
for i = 2 to n do
let newcurr = (2.0 * x * curr) - ((double i) - 1.0) * prev
prev <- curr
curr <- newcurr
Published Friday, June 25, 2010 2:54 PM by Steve Hawley


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