Atalasoft MobileImage API Reference
Packages | Classes
Package com.kofax.kmc.kui.uicontrols


package  captureanimations
package  data
package  version


interface  AboutToCaptureListener
class  AutoFocusResultEvent
 This event returns the result of the camera's attempt to auto focus. More...
interface  AutoFocusResultListener
 The listener interface for responding to camera focus events. More...
class  BarCodeCaptureView
class  BarCodeFoundEvent
 An event that indicates a barcode has been found. More...
interface  BarCodeFoundListener
 The listener interface for receiving barcode events. More...
class  CameraInitializationEvent
 This event fires when the camera is initialized or reinitialized. More...
class  CameraInitializationFailedEvent
interface  CameraInitializationFailedListener
interface  CameraInitializationListener
 The interface that is required to implement CameraInitializationEvent. More...
class  ImageCapturedEvent
 This event is fired when an image is successfully captured. More...
interface  ImageCapturedListener
 The listener interface for image capture events. More...
class  ImageCaptureView
class  ImgReviewEditCntrl
interface  JustCapturedListener
class  KUILogging
class  LevelnessEvent
 This event fires when the orientation of the device changes. More...
interface  LevelnessListener
 The interface that is required to implement StabilityDelayEvent. More...
class  LicenseCaptureView
class  LicenseFoundEvent
 An event that indicates that a license was found. More...
interface  LicenseFoundListener
 The listener interface for receiving license found events. More...
class  PageDetectionEvent
 An event that indicates a page was detected in the camera preview. More...
interface  PageDetectionListener
interface  PreviewCallbackListener
class  PreviewFrameEvent
class  StabilityDelayEvent
 This event fires when stability levels change. More...
interface  StabilityDelayListener
 The interface that is required to implement StabilityDelayEvent. More...
class  TorchLuminanceEvent
 This event fires when torch luminance level changes. More...
interface  TorchLuminanceListener
 The interface that is required to implement TorchLuminanceEvent. More...
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