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KFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperience Class Reference

This class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the user. More...

#import <KFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperience.h>

Inheritance diagram for KFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperience:
kfxKUIDocumentBaseCaptureExperience kfxKUICaptureExperience <kfxKUIImageCaptureControlDelegate>

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - initWithCaptureControl:criteria:
 Initializes a new object using the specified parameters. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from kfxKUIDocumentBaseCaptureExperience
(void) - takePicture
 Begins the image capture process. More...
(void) - takePictureContinually
 Starts the continuous capture of images. More...
(void) - stopCapture
 Stops taking a picture. More...
(instancetype) - initWithCaptureControl:criteria:
 Initialized for the object using the specified parameters. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from kfxKUICaptureExperience
(void) - stateChanged:
- Instance Methods inherited from <kfxKUIImageCaptureControlDelegate>
(void) - imageCaptureControl:stabilityDelay:
 A message that indicates the current stability of the device. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:imageCaptured:
 A message that indicates that an image was captured. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:pitchChangedTo:rollChangedTo:
 A message that indicates the current pitch and roll. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:focusStateChanged:
 A message that indicates the camera has begun or finished focusing. More...
(void) - imageIsAboutToCaptureForControl:
 A message that indicates that an image is about to capture. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:imageJustCaptured:
 A message that indicates that an image is just captured. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:videoSampleAvailable:
 A message that is dispatched whenever a new video sample is available from the camera. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:pageDetected:
 A message that indicates page detection has located a document in the camera preview. More...


 Fixed Aspect Ratio capture criteria. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for center the document. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for zoom out action. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for zoom in action. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for rotate action. More...
- Properties inherited from kfxKUIDocumentBaseCaptureExperience
 An instructional text box that is displayed to the user while trying to capture a document. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user to hold the device steady. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for center the document. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for when document is successfully captured. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for zoom out action. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for zoom in action. More...
 An instructional message that is displayed to the user for closing the tutorial. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for rotate action. More...
 An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for holding the device more flat. More...
BOOL tutorialEnabled
 Whether to show an animated tutorial about how to capture a document. More...
UIImage * tutorialSampleImage
 A tutorial image showing how to capture a document. More...
UIColor * outerViewfinderColor
 Outer viewfinder color. More...
UIColor * guidanceFrameColor
 Guidance frame color. More...
int guidanceFrameThickness
 Guidance frame thickness. More...
UIColor * steadyGuidanceFrameColor
 Steady guidance frame color. More...
BOOL vibrationEnabled
 Whether to start vibration when an image is captured. More...
BOOL diagnosticsViewEnabled
 Whether to show a diagnostics view. More...

Detailed Description

This class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the user.

This class is responsible for rendering the enhanced visual experience on top of the capture control, and provides feedback to guide the user to take a clear, legible and optimally zoomed in photo of the document.

Users should lock the orientation of the view finder while using this class. By default all guidance messages are in portrait orientation.

Method Documentation

◆ initWithCaptureControl:criteria:()

- (instancetype) initWithCaptureControl: (kfxKUIImageCaptureControl *)  captureControl
criteria: (KFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder *)  criteria 

Initializes a new object using the specified parameters.

Initializes an Fixed Aspect Ratio capture experience and binds it to the given image capture control. The experience class overrides the capture control delegate to provide additional behavior and guidance useful for capturing documents. It also forwards delegate invocations to the original delegate set on the capture control, thus acting as a proxy.

If you are interested in handling any of the delegate methods on the capture control, it is important that you set your delegate before initializing the capture experience. Setting a new delegate after initializing the capture experience will break the association with the capture control, and allow the capture experience to be shut down and deallocated if no other references to the object remain. This is the proper protocol for cleaning up a capture experience you are no longer interested in.

The Fixed Aspect Ratio capture experience will add several overlays and subviews on top of the associated image capture control for visual guidance and feedback. It will also manage some of the capture control's native properties, which could interfere with any properties you directly modify on the control.

captureControlAn instance of a kfxKUIImageCaptureControl object.
criteriaA collection of constraints and attributes that control the behavior of the capture experience. Pass nil for the default experience.

Property Documentation

◆ centerMessage

- (kfxKUICaptureMessage*) centerMessage

An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for center the document.

Not supported. Setting this property do nothing. Returns nil whatever is set.

◆ farCriteria

- (KFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder*) farCriteria

Fixed Aspect Ratio capture criteria.

A collection of constraints and attributes that control the behavior of the capture experience. Pass nil to use default configuration.

◆ rotateMessage

- (kfxKUICaptureMessage*) rotateMessage

An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for rotate action.

Not supported. Setting this property do nothing. Returns nil whatever is set.

◆ zoomInMessage

- (kfxKUICaptureMessage*) zoomInMessage

An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for zoom in action.

Not supported. Setting this property do nothing. Returns nil whatever is set.

◆ zoomOutMessage

- (kfxKUICaptureMessage*) zoomOutMessage

An instructional balloon that is displayed to the user for zoom out action.

Not supported. Setting this property do nothing. Returns nil whatever is set.

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