Atalasoft MobileImage API Reference
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KFXQuickExtractorAgent Class Reference

An extractor that extracts either a barcode or MRZ data and a face image during image capture. More...

#import <KFXQuickExtractorAgent.h>

Inheritance diagram for KFXQuickExtractorAgent:

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - initWithCaptureExperience:settings:
 Initializes a new object with the specified parameters and binds it to the given capture experience. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <kfxKUIImageCaptureControlDelegate>
(void) - imageCaptureControl:stabilityDelay:
 A message that indicates the current stability of the device. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:imageCaptured:
 A message that indicates that an image was captured. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:pitchChangedTo:rollChangedTo:
 A message that indicates the current pitch and roll. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:focusStateChanged:
 A message that indicates the camera has begun or finished focusing. More...
(void) - imageIsAboutToCaptureForControl:
 A message that indicates that an image is about to capture. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:imageJustCaptured:
 A message that indicates that an image is just captured. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:videoSampleAvailable:
 A message that is dispatched whenever a new video sample is available from the camera. More...
(void) - imageCaptureControl:pageDetected:
 A message that indicates page detection has located a document in the camera preview. More...


IBOutlet id< KFXQuickExtractorAgentDelegatedelegate
 A delegate to receive messages from the extractor. More...

Detailed Description

An extractor that extracts either a barcode or MRZ data and a face image during image capture.

This extractor processes preview frames from image capture control and calls the listener when a barcode or MRZ is detected, read and parsed successfully or a face image is extracted. Also see KFXQuickExtractor, which privides similar functionality, but works with static images.

In order to successfully extract data with QuickExtractAgent, the identification document being captured must be in the same orientation as the QuickExtractAgent capture experience.

See also

Method Documentation

◆ initWithCaptureExperience:settings:()

- (instancetype) initWithCaptureExperience: (kfxKUICaptureExperience *)  captureExperience
settings: (KFXQuickExtractionSettings *)  settings 

Initializes a new object with the specified parameters and binds it to the given capture experience.

captureExperienceCapture Experience object to which extractor will be binded.
settingsConfiguration object.
See also

Property Documentation

◆ delegate

- (IBOutlet id<KFXQuickExtractorAgentDelegate>) delegate

A delegate to receive messages from the extractor.

The delegate that is invoked when a barcode or MRZ is detected, read and parsed successfully or a face image is extracted.

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