CKFXBaseObjectCaptureExperience | Base class for rendering a visual experience on top of the capture control when it is facing front side and returning an image depending on the criteria set by the user |
CkfxBillCaptureParameters | The bill capture view controller parameters |
CkfxBillCaptureViewController | Bill capture view controller |
C<kfxBillCaptureViewControllerDelegate> | This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxBillCaptureViewController |
CkfxBillData | This object represents bill data |
CkfxCaptureData | Base class for document data objects |
CkfxCaptureViewController | This is an abstract base class for capture view controller. kfxCaptureViewController provides entire capture control along with capture guidance experience, image processing and data extraction functionality. It has a single entry and exit point. The capture view controller behavior and visual look and feel are customized thru a set of parameters. Capture view controller supports the delegate protocol to provide feedback to a client, with result data and error object if applicable |
C<kfxCaptureViewControllerDelegate> | This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with inherited classes from kfxCaptureViewController |
CkfxCheckCaptureParameters | The check capture view controller parameters |
CkfxCheckCaptureViewController | Check capture view controller |
C<kfxCheckCaptureViewControllerDelegate> | This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxCheckCaptureViewController |
CkfxCheckData | This object represents check data |
CKFXCreditCard | |
C<KFXCreditCardCapturedDelegate> | Defines the delegate methods for Credit Card capture |
CkfxCreditCardCaptureParameters | The credit card capture view controller parameters |
CKFXCreditCardCaptureView | |
CkfxCreditCardCaptureViewController | Credit card capture view controller |
C<kfxCreditCardCaptureViewControllerDelegate> | This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxCreditCardCaptureViewController |
CkfxCreditCardData | This object represents credit card data |
CKFXDocumentDimensions | The Dimensions of a Document |
CkfxError | An error lookup reference class |
CKFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperience | This class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the user |
CKFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder | This class allows the Fixed Aspect Ratio detection related criteria to be configured |
CKFXFixedAspectRatioDetectionSettings | A configuration object for controlling the Fixed Aspect Ratio Detector |
CkfxIDCaptureParameters | The ID capture view controller parameters |
CkfxIDCaptureViewController | ID capture view controller |
C<kfxIDCaptureViewControllerDelegate> | This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxIDCaptureViewController |
CkfxIDData | This object represents id document data |
CKFXImageProcessorConfiguration | Image Processor Configuration Specifies Image Processing Options |
CkfxImageStorage | The image storage interface |
CkfxIParameters | The base class for capture view controller parameters |
CkfxKBRBarcodeReader | The barcode recognition engine |
C<kfxKBRDelegate> | This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as kfxKBRBarcodeReader delegates |
CkfxKCDCheckDetector | Check Detector clss |
CkfxKCDDocumentBaseDetector | |
CkfxKCDDocumentDetector | Document Detector class |
CkfxKEDBarcodeResult | A single barcode found data item |
CkfxKEDBoundingRectangle | Bounding Rectangle of four coordinates |
CkfxKEDBoundingTetragon | Bounding Tetragon class holds four point data |
CkfxKEDCheckDetectionResult | A result object returned by the Check Detector |
CkfxKEDCheckDetectionSettings | A configuration object for controlling the kfxKCDCheckDetector object |
CkfxKEDClassificationResult | A single classification result |
CkfxKEDDocumentBaseDetectionResult | A base class for detection results |
CkfxKEDDocumentBaseDetectionSettings | Base class for detector settings |
CkfxKEDDocumentDetectionResult | A result object returned by the Document Detector |
CkfxKEDDocumentDetectionSettings | A configuration object for controlling the kfxKCDDocumentDetector object |
CkfxKEDImage | An Image object contains an image and associated data |
CkfxKEDQuickAnalysisFeedback | Quick Analysis Results Feedback Class |
CkfxKEDQuickAnalysisSettings | |
CkfxKENImageProcessor | The Image Processor Class |
CkfxKENLogging | KfxLibEngines libarary logging features |
CkfxKENVersion | This class includes a method which returns the SDK Engines package version |
C<kfxKIPDelegate> | Image Processing Protocol |
CkfxKUIBarCodeCaptureControl | This class renders the camera preview to the screen and searches for barcodes |
C<kfxKUIBarCodeCaptureControlDelegate> | This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as kfxKUIBarCodeCaptureControl delegates |
CkfxKUICaptureExperience | This class is a base class for the animation experience |
CkfxKUICaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder | This class allows the capture criteria to be configured |
CkfxKUICaptureMessage | This class renders the messages on the Imagecapturecontrol |
CkfxKUICheckCaptureExperience | This class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the use |
CkfxKUICheckCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder | This class allows the check related criteria to be configured |
CkfxKUIDocumentBaseCaptureExperience | This is the base class for check and document capture, that renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image, depending on the criteria set by the user |
CkfxKUIDocumentBaseCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder | |
CkfxKUIDocumentCaptureExperience | This class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the user |
CkfxKUIDocumentCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder | This class allows the document related criteria to be configured |
CkfxKUIFrame | This class defines a frame that can be applied to a capture control |
CkfxKUIImageCaptureControl | This class renders the camera preview to the screen and returns an image |
C<kfxKUIImageCaptureControlDelegate> | This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as kfxKUIImageCaptureControl delegates |
CkfxKUIImageReviewAndEdit | Displays an image for review, and an optional crop rectangle/tetragon for a user to manually adjust the page boundaries |
CkfxKUILicenseCaptureControl | This class renders the camera preview to the screen and searches for an SDK license key in a QR code |
C<kfxKUILicenseCaptureControlDelegate> | This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as kfxKUILicenseCaptureControl delegates |
CkfxKUILogging | KfxLibUIControls libarary logging features |
CkfxKUIPageDetectionEvent | This class that indicates a page was detected in the camera preview |
CkfxKUIVersion | This class includes a method which returns the SDK UIControls Framework version |
CkfxKUTAppStatistics | Use the singleton App Statistics object for creating, saving, and exporting statistics related to SDK framework usage |
C<kfxKUTAppStatisticsDelegate> | |
CkfxKUTAppStatsDaoField | Used as part of custom export process, for passing Application Statistics table entries to your export handler code in the formatExportRow delegate method |
CkfxKUTAppStatsSessionEvent | App Statistics Session Events |
CkfxKUTLicensing | License for unlocking library features |
CkfxKUTLogging | KfxLibUtilities libarary logging features |
CkfxKUTMicrLine | |
CkfxKUTMicrParser | |
CkfxKUTSdkVersion | This class includes methods to determine the versions of several portions of the SDK, and the top level SDK Product version |
CkfxKUTVoiceover | Accessibiity support |
CkfxLicense | License for unlocking library features |
CkfxLogging | MobileSDK libarary logging features |
CkfxLookAndFeelParameters | The look and feel parameters class |
CKFXPassportCaptureExperience | This class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the use |
CKFXPassportCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder | This class allows the passport related criteria to be configured |
CkfxPassportCaptureParameters | The passport capture view controller parameters |
CkfxPassportCaptureViewController | Passport capture view controller |
C<kfxPassportCaptureViewControllerDelegate> | This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxPassportCaptureViewController |
CkfxPassportData | This object represents passport data |
CKFXPassportDetectionResult | A result object returned by the Passport Detector |
CKFXPassportDetectionSettings | A configuration object for controlling the KFXPassportDetector object |
CKFXPassportDetector | Passport Detector class |
CkfxProcessingParameters | The image processing parameters class |
CKFXQuickExtractionSettings | A configuration object for controlling the Quick Extractor behavior |
CKFXQuickExtractor | An extractor that extracts either a barcode or MRZ data and a face image from a static source image |
CKFXQuickExtractorAgent | An extractor that extracts either a barcode or MRZ data and a face image during image capture |
C<KFXQuickExtractorAgentDelegate> | This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as KFXQuickExtractorAgent delegates |
CKFXSelfieCaptureExperience | This class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control when it is facing front side and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the user |
CKFXSelfieCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolder | |
CKFXSelfieDetectionSettings | |