Atalasoft MobileImage API Reference
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CKFXBaseObjectCaptureExperienceBase class for rendering a visual experience on top of the capture control when it is facing front side and returning an image depending on the criteria set by the user
 CkfxBillCaptureParametersThe bill capture view controller parameters
 CkfxBillCaptureViewControllerBill capture view controller
 C<kfxBillCaptureViewControllerDelegate>This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxBillCaptureViewController
 CkfxBillDataThis object represents bill data
 CkfxCaptureDataBase class for document data objects
 CkfxCaptureViewControllerThis is an abstract base class for capture view controller. kfxCaptureViewController provides entire capture control along with capture guidance experience, image processing and data extraction functionality. It has a single entry and exit point. The capture view controller behavior and visual look and feel are customized thru a set of parameters. Capture view controller supports the delegate protocol to provide feedback to a client, with result data and error object if applicable
 C<kfxCaptureViewControllerDelegate>This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with inherited classes from kfxCaptureViewController
 CkfxCheckCaptureParametersThe check capture view controller parameters
 CkfxCheckCaptureViewControllerCheck capture view controller
 C<kfxCheckCaptureViewControllerDelegate>This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxCheckCaptureViewController
 CkfxCheckDataThis object represents check data
 C<KFXCreditCardCapturedDelegate>Defines the delegate methods for Credit Card capture
 CkfxCreditCardCaptureParametersThe credit card capture view controller parameters
 CkfxCreditCardCaptureViewControllerCredit card capture view controller
 C<kfxCreditCardCaptureViewControllerDelegate>This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxCreditCardCaptureViewController
 CkfxCreditCardDataThis object represents credit card data
 CKFXDocumentDimensionsThe Dimensions of a Document
 CkfxErrorAn error lookup reference class
 CKFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperienceThis class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the user
 CKFXFixedAspectRatioCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolderThis class allows the Fixed Aspect Ratio detection related criteria to be configured
 CKFXFixedAspectRatioDetectionSettingsA configuration object for controlling the Fixed Aspect Ratio Detector
 CkfxIDCaptureParametersThe ID capture view controller parameters
 CkfxIDCaptureViewControllerID capture view controller
 C<kfxIDCaptureViewControllerDelegate>This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxIDCaptureViewController
 CkfxIDDataThis object represents id document data
 CKFXImageProcessorConfigurationImage Processor Configuration Specifies Image Processing Options
 CkfxImageStorageThe image storage interface
 CkfxIParametersThe base class for capture view controller parameters
 CkfxKBRBarcodeReaderThe barcode recognition engine
 C<kfxKBRDelegate>This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as kfxKBRBarcodeReader delegates
 CkfxKCDCheckDetectorCheck Detector clss
 CkfxKCDDocumentDetectorDocument Detector class
 CkfxKEDBarcodeResultA single barcode found data item
 CkfxKEDBoundingRectangleBounding Rectangle of four coordinates
 CkfxKEDBoundingTetragonBounding Tetragon class holds four point data
 CkfxKEDCheckDetectionResultA result object returned by the Check Detector
 CkfxKEDCheckDetectionSettingsA configuration object for controlling the kfxKCDCheckDetector object
 CkfxKEDClassificationResultA single classification result
 CkfxKEDDocumentBaseDetectionResultA base class for detection results
 CkfxKEDDocumentBaseDetectionSettingsBase class for detector settings
 CkfxKEDDocumentDetectionResultA result object returned by the Document Detector
 CkfxKEDDocumentDetectionSettingsA configuration object for controlling the kfxKCDDocumentDetector object
 CkfxKEDImageAn Image object contains an image and associated data
 CkfxKEDQuickAnalysisFeedbackQuick Analysis Results Feedback Class
 CkfxKENImageProcessorThe Image Processor Class
 CkfxKENLoggingKfxLibEngines libarary logging features
 CkfxKENVersionThis class includes a method which returns the SDK Engines package version
 C<kfxKIPDelegate>Image Processing Protocol
 CkfxKUIBarCodeCaptureControlThis class renders the camera preview to the screen and searches for barcodes
 C<kfxKUIBarCodeCaptureControlDelegate>This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as kfxKUIBarCodeCaptureControl delegates
 CkfxKUICaptureExperienceThis class is a base class for the animation experience
 CkfxKUICaptureExperienceCriteriaHolderThis class allows the capture criteria to be configured
 CkfxKUICaptureMessageThis class renders the messages on the Imagecapturecontrol
 CkfxKUICheckCaptureExperienceThis class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the use
 CkfxKUICheckCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolderThis class allows the check related criteria to be configured
 CkfxKUIDocumentBaseCaptureExperienceThis is the base class for check and document capture, that renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image, depending on the criteria set by the user
 CkfxKUIDocumentCaptureExperienceThis class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the user
 CkfxKUIDocumentCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolderThis class allows the document related criteria to be configured
 CkfxKUIFrameThis class defines a frame that can be applied to a capture control
 CkfxKUIImageCaptureControlThis class renders the camera preview to the screen and returns an image
 C<kfxKUIImageCaptureControlDelegate>This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as kfxKUIImageCaptureControl delegates
 CkfxKUIImageReviewAndEditDisplays an image for review, and an optional crop rectangle/tetragon for a user to manually adjust the page boundaries
 CkfxKUILicenseCaptureControlThis class renders the camera preview to the screen and searches for an SDK license key in a QR code
 C<kfxKUILicenseCaptureControlDelegate>This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as kfxKUILicenseCaptureControl delegates
 CkfxKUILoggingKfxLibUIControls libarary logging features
 CkfxKUIPageDetectionEventThis class that indicates a page was detected in the camera preview
 CkfxKUIVersionThis class includes a method which returns the SDK UIControls Framework version
 CkfxKUTAppStatisticsUse the singleton App Statistics object for creating, saving, and exporting statistics related to SDK framework usage
 CkfxKUTAppStatsDaoFieldUsed as part of custom export process, for passing Application Statistics table entries to your export handler code in the formatExportRow delegate method
 CkfxKUTAppStatsSessionEventApp Statistics Session Events
 CkfxKUTLicensingLicense for unlocking library features
 CkfxKUTLoggingKfxLibUtilities libarary logging features
 CkfxKUTSdkVersionThis class includes methods to determine the versions of several portions of the SDK, and the top level SDK Product version
 CkfxKUTVoiceoverAccessibiity support
 CkfxLicenseLicense for unlocking library features
 CkfxLoggingMobileSDK libarary logging features
 CkfxLookAndFeelParametersThe look and feel parameters class
 CKFXPassportCaptureExperienceThis class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the use
 CKFXPassportCaptureExperienceCriteriaHolderThis class allows the passport related criteria to be configured
 CkfxPassportCaptureParametersThe passport capture view controller parameters
 CkfxPassportCaptureViewControllerPassport capture view controller
 C<kfxPassportCaptureViewControllerDelegate>This protocol defines methods that your delegate object should implement to interact with kfxPassportCaptureViewController
 CkfxPassportDataThis object represents passport data
 CKFXPassportDetectionResultA result object returned by the Passport Detector
 CKFXPassportDetectionSettingsA configuration object for controlling the KFXPassportDetector object
 CKFXPassportDetectorPassport Detector class
 CkfxProcessingParametersThe image processing parameters class
 CKFXQuickExtractionSettingsA configuration object for controlling the Quick Extractor behavior
 CKFXQuickExtractorAn extractor that extracts either a barcode or MRZ data and a face image from a static source image
 CKFXQuickExtractorAgentAn extractor that extracts either a barcode or MRZ data and a face image during image capture
 C<KFXQuickExtractorAgentDelegate>This protocol must be implemented by classes whose objects are used as KFXQuickExtractorAgent delegates
 CKFXSelfieCaptureExperienceThis class renders a visual experience on top of the capture control when it is facing front side and returns an image depending on the criteria set by the user
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